Sunday, February 24, 2013

Big Brother

One of the most difficult parts about the process of this risky adoption is wondering how it will affect Isaac if things don't go our way. He has loved becoming a big brother, and as Ava Rose gets bigger and has started smiling and cooing, he's having even more fun talking to her, entertaining her and comforting her if she's upset.

I'm not exaggerating when I say that Isaac prayed for a baby brother or sister for well over a year. I wrote on his adoption blog about his prayers for a sibling. That was in April of 2011, and he continued to ask us to pray for a baby almost every time we sat down to dinner until this past fall when we got the news about Ava Rose and decided to tell him he would be a big brother.

In fact, just a few weeks before we got The Phone Call, Isaac looked up from playing with his cars and said to me, "I want a baby sister." I said, "Well, ask Jesus to bring you one." A little while later, long enough for me to forget that little exchange, he looked up again and said, "He said yes!" I asked him who said yes to what and he said, "Jesus said he would bring me a baby sister."

Now, I don't know what went on there--but I do believe it's possible that a little boy with an innocent faith very well could have prayed to Jesus and received an answer. And then of course, a few weeks later, we get a call that we have been chosen to raise a little girl. Coincidence?

So, after watching my son ask God for a sibling for almost 2 years, and then having such an apparently clear answer to that prayer, I have wondered what it will do to Isaac and his growing faith if Ava Rose can't stay in our family forever. It's one thing for Mark and me to trust God that He'll be with us if we lose Ava Rose, but it's a bit harder to trust God with my little boy's heart.

Hard, but not impossible. As difficult as it is to fathom, God loves Isaac even more than I do. He invited our whole family on this journey, including Isaac, so we have to trust that He'll take care of all of us if we get bad news.

In the meantime, we will continue to enjoy watching Isaac be a wonderful big brother to Ava Rose.


  1. Issac is the man! He always brightens my day when I see him--such a respectful, friendly, and good-natured little guy. The fact that he's so happy to have a sister in his life is such a great thing. We're praying for you guys, and we know that God will provide all of the strength and support that all of you need regardless of the outcome!

  2. Reading this reply again and remembering how much I could also learn to trust that God invited our *whole* family on the journey we're experiencing as well. Thanks for that reminder...

    -- M. & A.R.
