It's October 11, ten days before we were expecting this little guy to arrive on the scene. Five days ago we were at church and I was still trying to convince myself that there was a good chance we'd be bringing home another baby in a couple weeks. I was finding it hard to believe at the time, and in spite of all that's happened in these last 5 days, I think a big chunk of my brain is still back there on Sunday morning, trying to convince my heart that this is happening.
The emotions of the last five days have included anxiety, fear, joy, grief, excitement, pure happiness and quite a few things here and there that I don't have a name for. This has been an overwhelming week.
I probably have about five posts in my brain right now, and I'm going to try to actually get them all written. There is so much I've been feeling, thinking and seeing that I don't want to forget. So I'm going to share here the subjects of some of the posts I want to write, so hopefully I'll come back and get them all down. Stay tuned to read about:
- The awkward and anxious time between finding out the baby had been born until we could come home with him.
- The ways I've experienced grief in these last few days.
- What we're learning about our new son.
- How God is working inside us through this experience
- ??--I think there's more but I'm not quite sure what it is yet.
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